Conditions Treated

At Woolbright Spine & Rehab in Boynton Beach, FL, we provide treatment for a variety of conditions to reduce any discomfort and help you feel your best. If you need personalized care for sciatica or whiplash, our team will work closely with you to ease your symptoms and improve musculoskeletal system function. Continue reading to learn about some of the conditions we treat!

Back Pain

Back pain can occur due to a variety of causes, such as poor posture, misalignments, and arthritis. We utilize treatments like chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy to alleviate the pain, improve your mobility, and help your body heal.

Neck Pain

Neck pain can be debilitating and disrupt your daily activities. Whether it stems from an injury, muscle strain, or a pinched nerve, our team can help. Once we determine the root cause of the discomfort, we’ll provide personalized treatment to reduce your symptoms.


Sciatica develops when your sciatic nerve becomes irritated or compressed. As a result, you may experience lower back pain, numbness, and tingling. Our chiropractor, Dr. Aigen, may recommend spinal decompression for sciatica. This treatment gently stretches the spine, which helps discs retract and provides relief.


Whiplash occurs when your head and neck are suddenly moved forward or backward, typically during an auto accident. This cause the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck to hyperextend and result in severe neck pain. We may recommend methods like chiropractic adjustments and cold laser therapy to properly align the neck, reduce inflammation, and speed up the healing process.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines can significantly affect your quality of life. While there are 200 types of headaches, tension headaches are most common, along with migraines. Dr. Aigen will identify what is causing your headaches and recommend the necessary treatment to reduce your discomfort.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

When you visit us, we will discuss your symptoms with you, perform a physical exam, and review your medical history. Once we determine the root cause of your pain, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan for your specific needs. Along with treatment, we’ll also provide lifestyle and nutritional tips to keep your body in good condition and help you feel your best.

Contact Us for Treatment Today

If you’re seeking back pain treatment or neck pain treatment, let our team at Woolbright Spine & Rehab in Boynton Beach, FL, help. We utilize methods like chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and cold laser therapy to ensure you recover completely. To schedule your consultation, call us at (561) 739-5393. When you need a chiropractor near me, we are happy to assist!

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